Displaying 1 - 20 of 68
# Received Requester Subject Status Completed
1 Kevin Cohen

Diavonte Smith contract, 17-18 NCAA Annual Financial Report, 17-18 Audited Financial Report

Sent Responsive Documents
2 Andrew Noonan

Copies of contracts for MBB asst. coaches and support staff: Green, Hogan, Crawford, Netten, Little, Bishop, Tuttle, and Comini

Sent Responsive Documents
3 Sean Scott

Copy of the athletics NCAA report for FY2018, current contract for MBB head coach along with all addendums, and the most recent outside income report for MBB head coach

Sent Responsive Documents
4 Zach Agostino

employment contracts for Mark Farley, Doug Schwab, Randy Pugh and Lee Roper

Sent Responsive Documents
5 Kevin Kelley

All UNI FB game contracts, memorandums of understanding, letters, or cancellations for non-conference opponents 2020-2035. (dated, signed and/or filed on or after March 1, 2018

Sent Responsive Documents
6 Brian Rush

Request a copy of the current Lynda.com (AKA Linkedin Learning) agreement.

Pending - - -
7 John Morgan

Communications relating to the 179D tax deduction

Pending - - -
8 Lily Jackson

Records reflective of the current inventory of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) at your institution’s pharmacy and records of prescriptions for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) prescribed at your institution's student health center(s) from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2018.

Pending - - -
9 Alan Peters

Would like a copy of requests received by your school made on behalf of the following Honor Societies below for the time period from January 1, 2018 to present. 

Sent Responsive Documents
10 Brenden Arias

Post-graduate data, data on students that graduate from UNI and where they go to next.

Pending - - -
11 Becky Hawbaker
United Faculty requests the following evaluation, recommendations and summary report information in order to represent, advise, and provide mutual aid to faculty.
Sent Responsive Documents
12 Jennie Smith

List of the construction projects over $2 million and the subcontractors for each project

Sent Responsive Documents
13 Martin Herker

Money paid to City of Cedar Falls for fire protection in FY18

Sent Responsive Documents
14 Grace Gottschling

Copy of mandatory student fees, including frequency, amount, distribution, and purpose

Sent Responsive Documents
15 Andrea Halterman

Emails, texts, and notes written by Marc Renning concerning false accusations made while student teaching at Atlantic Community School District. 

Pending - - -
16 Nicole Perez

Original bid documents.

Sent Responsive Documents
17 Brian Ratzliff

A copy of the contract signed between the UNI Men’s Basketball and the vendor who will provide services for the 2019 UNI Men’s Basketball tour to Italy from August 1 to August 11. Also requesting a copy of the final itinerary for the trip.

Sent Responsive Documents
18 Katie Bjerke
The contract for emergency management services between the University of Northern Iowa and the City of Cedar Falls. Specifically including fire and rescue services. Requirements of the University of Northern Iowa for emergency management services set forth by Iowa OSHA. Specifically including fire and rescue services.
Sent Responsive Documents
19 Erin Jordan

UNI Athletic Department’s self-reported NCAA violations since July 2017, information to include for each violation, date it was reported to the board of regents, date violation occurred, date reported to NCAA, sport, citation, facts, institution action and NCAA action.

Sent Responsive Documents
20 Allan Blutstein

Emails containing lindsay.cunningham@uni.edu AND (Kamala OR Harris OR Senator) in the time range of 10/15/18 to 10/23/18.

Sent Responsive Documents